While breathing is an often overlooked aspect of well-being, the world of air quality is not without its voices. From environmental health experts to green living influencers, these accounts leverage the power of Instagram to raise awareness, educate, and inspire action. If you’re looking for more info on air quality, insights into solutions, and like-minded communities committed to cleaner air, this list is for you. Here we present 10 excellent air quality accounts to follow on Instagram.
10 Instagram Accounts for Air Quality
While not all of these accounts are exclusively focused on air quality, these 10 influencers are a worthy follow for anyone interested in home health and safety.
1. Lara Adler (@environmentaltoxinsnerd)
Adler is a teacher and coach specializing in teaching other health professionals how to eliminate toxic chemicals from their lives. While her focus goes beyond air quality alone, her Instagram feed is chock full of stats, helpful tips, trivia, and entertaining memes.
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2. Sotirios Papathanasiou (@seetheair)
Papathanasiou is the founder of the See the Air blog, which provides information about air pollution and its health impacts. He’s also author of a popular book with the same name and often shares insights from his work on social media.
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3. Larry Williamson and Dan Neavitt (@safeairhealth)
Williamson and Neavitt are co-founders of Safe Air Health, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving global air quality. Their mission is to save lives by giving people information and tools to counteract the damage caused by air pollution.
4. Jemima Viven (@mumsforlungs)
Viven is a lawyer, human rights activist, and founder of Mums for Lungs. Mums for Lungs is a London-based group of parents raising awareness about air pollution’s impact on children’s health. Expect a couple posts a week with insights into the dangers of unhealthy air.
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5. PJ Harlow (@pjharlowwellness)
Harlow is a mold consultant who focuses on helping homeowners and renters to heal water damaged, mold-sick, and contaminated homes. This Instagram feed largely focuses on actionable tips.
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6. Rosamund Adoo-Kissi Debrah (@theellarobertafamilyfoundation)
Debrah is an air quality activist who fights for cleaner air policies. Her feed is a celebration of the life of her daughter Ella, who died of ashthma, as well as advocacy for air quality standards.
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7. James Thornton (@clientearth_)
Thornton is the CEO of ClientEarth, an environmental law firm that fights for clean air and other environmental causes. The Instagram feed focuses primarily on bold and shocking stats and news.
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8. Becky Rapinchuk (@cleanmama)
Rapinchuk is a natural cleaning and homekeeping expert, mother, entrepreneur, and former art teacher who uses Instagram to promote healthy home cleaning and organizing.
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9. Shiv Sewlal (@shivaika)
Sewlal is a video-oriented Instagram influencer chronicling her life with allergies, eczema, asthma. Her posts primarily follow her travels with a focus on food, fashion, and personal care.
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10. Michael Green (@centerforenvironmentalhealth)
Green is the founder of the Center for Environmental Health, a non-profit on a mission to reduce toxic chemicals. The CEH Instagram feed is largely focused on pushing corporate America to reduce waste and offer more sustainable, healthy products.
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Taking a Step Further
Following these Instagram accounts can help you get a better perspective on air quality issues. You’ll also learn more about how to protect your health and the environment.
In addition to following these influencers, there are other steps you can take to learn more about air quality. Here are a few tips to consider.
- Check the air quality forecast in your area. There are many websites and apps that can help you do this.
- Avoid exercising outdoors on days when air quality is poor.
- If you have to go outside on a smoggy day, wear a mask that can filter out pollutants.
- Make sure your home is well-ventilated.
- Consider investing in an air purifier for your home.
Knowledge is power. By staying in touch with changing events, you can protect yourself from the harmful effects of air pollution.
Read more:
- 8 Everyday Household Items You Didn’t Know Were Polluting Your Air
- 5 Facts About Indoor Air Pollution That Will Shock You
- Mold Hotspots: Ranking the 5 Worst U.S. States for Mold