Eco friendly kitchen products
Best Eco-Friendly Kitchen Products for Healthy Air Quality

The kitchen is the heart of many homes, but it can also be a hidden…

What are the effects of bad air quality
The Psychological Effects of Bad Air Quality: How IAQ Affects Mood and Productivity

What are the effects of bad air quality on our physical health? We often consider…

Indoor air pollution policies
Advocacy for Better Indoor Air: How You Can Influence Public Policy

In today’s world, where we spend a significant portion of our time indoors, the quality…

AI and indoor air quality
Tech Breakthroughs: How AI and ML Advance Air Quality Improvement

The air we breathe indoors matters. In fact, we spend 90% of our time inside,…

factors that increase poor indoor air quality
4 Factors That Increase Poor Indoor Air Quality

Air inside our homes can be up to five times more polluted than the air…

indoor air quality after a fire
The Hidden Connection: Wildfires and Indoor Air Quality

When we think of wildfires, we often picture the vast landscapes they consume and the…