how to reduce humidity in house
Reducing Humidity in Your Home: Practical Tips for a Healthier Environment

High humidity can pose significant challenges in homes, particularly in humid climates. From promoting mold…

What Pollutants Does IAQ Measure?
What Pollutants Does IAQ Measure?

IAQ measures more than 20 potentially harmful indoor air pollutants in addition to ambient temperature…

What Are VoCs?
What Are VOCs and How to Get Rid of Them

Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOCs, are a collection of contaminants commonly found in your indoor…

household items that cause pollution
8 Everyday Household Items You Didn’t Know Were Polluting Your Air

Approximately 90% of our breaths are taken indoors, and a significant portion of these occur…

How to detect mold in the air
How to Detect Mold in the Air

Let's start with the obvious: you don't want mold in your home's air. Inhaling mold…

Protect Your Home From Forest Fire Air Pollution
How to Protect Your Home From Forest Fire Air Pollution

You’ve seen the destructive impact of forest fires, especially across the American West, where each…

US cities with worst air pollution
The 15 U.S. Cities With the Worst Indoor Air Pollution

Tracking indoor air pollution on a city basis is not an easy task. While a…

5 Worst states for mold
Mold Hotspots: Ranking the 5 Worst U.S. States for Mold

Mold can be found just about anywhere. It thrives in humidity, darkness, and warmth, spreading…

Most Common Indoor Air Pollutants According to the EPA
The Threatening 13: Most Common Indoor Air Pollutants According to the EPA

At the mention of “air pollution,” we often think of factory smokestacks pumping soot into…

How to Check for Carbon Monoxide in Your Home
Measuring the Danger: How to Check for Carbon Monoxide in Your Home

Air pollutants can be hard to detect. Carbon monoxide (CO) is odorless and colorless, meaning…