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Reviewing the Best Indoor Air Quality Apps

Breathe easier with the best indoor air quality apps. From IAQ by Sensables to AirVisual, find the perfect app to monitor pollutants and enhance your home's air.

Ever wonder what’s lurking in the air you breathe inside your home? It’s no secret that indoor air quality can be just as important as outdoor air, impacting your health, comfort, and well-being. But how do you know if your home is a haven of healthy air or a hidden haven for pollutants? That’s where air quality apps come in!

These handy tools use your smartphone to measure and track indoor air quality, giving you valuable insights into things like dust, allergens, and even volatile organic compounds (VOCs). But with so many options out there, choosing the right app can feel overwhelming. 

Don’t worry. We’re here to help! In this guide, we’ll explore the best air quality apps that cater to different needs and budgets.

Let’s start.

Why Indoor Air Quality Apps?

Before we explore specific apps, let’s understand why these digital tools are crucial. 

Air quality apps provide real-time data on the various pollutants in your environment, offering insights that help you make informed decisions about ventilation, air purification, and even when to open or close your windows. 

It’s been well documented that poor indoor air quality impacts your long-term health. By identifying and addressing these issues with the help of an app, you’re actively investing in your well-being. Research now suggests that air quality apps help reduce allergy symptoms, improve asthma control, and even lower the risks of respiratory illnesses

More importantly, the data collected by these apps contributes to a wider understanding of air quality patterns, informing policy decisions and impacting entire communities

Thus, indoor air quality apps are an essential part of maintaining a healthy indoor environment, especially for those with respiratory conditions, allergies, or a keen interest in improving environmental health.

Isn’t it amazing that the future of healthy homes starts with a single download?

Criteria for Choosing the Best Air Quality Apps

When searching for the best air quality apps, we considered several factors: accuracy, ease of use, features (such as air quality alerts, forecasts, and pollutant breakdowns), and the availability of a free version for budget-conscious users. 

Our goal was to find apps that provide reliable data in a user-friendly package, making it easier for you to track air quality and take action when necessary.

Top Picks for the Best Indoor Air Quality Apps

1. IAQ by Sensables – Best Indoor Air Quality Monitor

iaq mobile app -

IAQ by Sensables is a compact yet powerful device engineered to measure over 20 EPA-identified indoor air pollutants, offering unparalleled transparency into the air you breathe daily. This device monitors indoor air quality anywhere—be it at home, in businesses, factories, labs, or any indoor space equipped with a power outlet.

One of the standout features of this device is its zero-setup requirement. It eliminates any technical barriers, making it instantly operational right out of the box. Simply plug it into a power outlet, scan the code, or input the device code into the IAQ mobile app, and it immediately begins to provide a real-time view of the air around you via your smartphone. 

Furthermore, IAQ seamlessly integrates with popular platforms such as Apple HomeKit, Alexa, and SmartThings, allowing you to access and manage your data through the convenience of your existing apps.

Overall, the ease of use ensures that everyone, regardless of technical expertise, can gain insights into their air quality without delay.

Why IAQ stands out:

  • Affordability: Unlike other products that are costly, IAQ is designed to be financially accessible, ensuring high-quality air monitoring doesn’t break the bank. It offers a $5/monthly subscription to its users. 
  • Simplicity: IAQ stands out for its ease of setup and user-friendliness, eliminating the complexity often associated with air quality monitoring devices.
  • Comprehensive Monitoring: Capable of detecting every dangerous indoor air pollutant with a single monitor, IAQ addresses the need for multiple devices, offering a one-stop solution.
  • Future-Proof Technology: Cellular connectivity ensures continuous air quality monitoring without reliance on local WiFi networks, which can be prone to outages and disruptions. With the ability to receive over-the-air updates through its cellular connection, the device always operates at its best, providing a future-proof solution to air quality monitoring.
  • Unmatched Value: No other product on the market today matches IAQ’s blend of affordability, simplicity, and comprehensive pollutant coverage.

Overall rating: 10/10

In this NBC Dayton interview, IAQ CEO Gideon Rubin emphasizes the device’s cutting-edge technology and rigorous testing protocols, assuring users of its reliability and accuracy in monitoring indoor air quality. 

Rubin’s insights underscore IAQ’s commitment to providing an accessible, high-quality solution for tracking air pollutants, making it a trusted tool for safeguarding your indoor environment.

2. AirVisual Air Quality Forecast – Best for Health Alert Monitoring

airvisual air quality app

This popular app boasts a global network of monitoring stations and uses your location to estimate indoor air quality. It shows you the Air Quality Index (AQI) for various pollutants, along with helpful health recommendations. The free version provides basic information, while paid plans offer real-time data and personalized insights.

If you’re looking for an air quality app that prioritizes your health and delivers timely alerts, then the AirVisual Air Quality app might be your perfect match. 

Here’s why it stands out:

  • Tailored Health Recommendations: Get real-time guidance based on your individual health profile and allergies. Whether you have asthma, are sensitive to pollen, or have other respiratory concerns, AirVisual provides actionable advice to protect yourself.
  • Customizable Alerts: Set personalized alerts for specific AQI levels and pollutants that trigger your health concerns. Receive instant notifications when air quality deteriorates, giving you time to take preventive measures.
  • Forecasts & Predictions: Plan your day with confidence thanks to hourly and daily air quality forecasts that allow you to choose healthier routes, schedule outdoor activities wisely, and adjust your indoor air management strategies.
  • Global Reach: Stay informed about air quality wherever you are, even overseas. With a vast network of monitoring stations worldwide, AirVisual ensures you can always prioritize your health, regardless of location.

Overall rating: 10/10

The IQAir AirVisual app is distinguished by its partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and is further validated by impressive user satisfaction, boasting a 4.7 rating on Google Play and an even higher 4.8 rating on the Apple App Store. 

These accolades underscore its reliability and effectiveness in delivering essential air quality data, reinforcing its status as a trusted tool in air quality monitoring.

3. Plume Labs – Best for Hyperlocal Air Quality Predictions

Plume labs

Plume Labs stands out for its hyperlocal air quality predictions, providing users with precise, timely information about their immediate surroundings. The app excels in delivering detailed insights, featuring comprehensive maps that highlight pollution hotspots, and offering hourly air quality forecasts to account for the fluctuating nature of air quality throughout the day.

Furthermore, the app focuses on providing air quality information in a visually appealing, easy-to-understand format. It’s great for those who want a quick, at-a-glance understanding of air quality without delving into the nitty-gritty.

Available for both iPhones and Android phones, Plume Labs ensures users stay informed with alerts when air quality levels deteriorate, making it an indispensable tool for those seeking to navigate their environment with health and safety in mind.

Plume Lab’s Great Features:

  • Street-Level Maps: Ditch city-wide averages and explore interactive maps displaying hyperlocal air quality predictions down to your street. Pinpoint pollution hotspots at a glance.
  • Color-Coded Clarity: Air quality is instantly understandable with a gradient color system. Blue indicates pristine air, transitioning through yellows and oranges to deep reds for heavily polluted areas.
  • Real-time Animations: Witness air quality dynamically change on the map, reflecting evolving weather patterns and traffic conditions. 
  • Simple Layouts: Information is presented cleanly and concisely, avoiding overwhelming users with technical jargon. Key metrics like AQI and pollutant levels are prominent and easy to interpret.
  • Clean Air Coaching: Receive personalized recommendations on finding clean air during your outdoor activities. Optimize your runs, walks, or bike rides based on real-time data.
  • Community Impact: Contribute to a healthier planet by anonymously sharing your air quality data. This collective effort fuels better predictions and informs policy decisions.
  • Flexible Options: Offers both a free version for basic needs and a premium subscription that includes personalized alerts and access to historical data, enhancing your ability to plan for cleaner air.

Overall rating: 8.6 /10

Plume Lab has a Google Play rating of 4.4 from over 12,000 ratings and an impressive 4.7 rating on the Apple App Store from nearly 9,200 users. Although these high ratings reflect the app’s reliability and user satisfaction, some have raised their concerns over accurate readings and its lack of customer service.

4. AirCare – Best for Children With Pollen Allergies

aircare app

Combining air quality readings with pollen tracking, AirCare is a great choice for children who constantly suffer from allergies. Navigating the concerns of outdoor play and the well-being of your young explorers just became easier with AirCare, the air quality app designed with families in mind. 

This innovative tool not only demystifies the complexities of air quality for adults but does so in a manner that’s accessible and even enjoyable for children, making informed decisions about outdoor activities a collaborative effort.

Why consider this app:

Child-Friendly Interface: AirCare features a “child mode” that simplifies the user experience with an easy-to-understand interface and a charming mascot, designed to engage young users directly.

  • A Comprehensive Approach to Allergen Tracking: Tailored for children with allergies, AirCare includes an extensive pollen tracker. This vital feature equips parents with the necessary information to avoid allergy triggers, promoting a more pleasant outdoor experience.
  • Championing Sun Safety: The app emerges as a crucial tool for sun protection, offering real-time UV index updates and practical advice on sun safety practices like seeking shade and applying sunscreen, thus protecting children from harmful sun exposure.
  • Educational Engagement: Beyond tracking, AirCare serves as an interactive educational resource, fostering curiosity about air quality and its health impacts. It uses child-friendly materials to inspire a proactive attitude towards environmental health and responsibility.

Overall rating: 9/10

AirCare, with its user-friendly approach to air quality monitoring, particularly shines for families with children, earning a solid 4.1-star rating on Google Play from over 9,000 reviews and an impressive 4.7 stars on the Apple App Store from 45 ratings. 

It distinguishes itself by engaging children effectively, empowering parents with actionable insights, and fostering healthy outdoor engagements. While there’s potential for further enhancements in real-time data accuracy and app integrations, AirCare is highly regarded as a notable choice for families looking for a child-friendly solution to air quality monitoring.

5. Awair Element – Best Free Home Air Quality App

awair element

If you’re looking for an app that connects with a dedicated indoor air quality monitor, Awair is your go-to. While the app itself is free, the full benefits are unlocked when paired with Awair’s hardware, providing detailed insights into your indoor environment.

Notable features:

  • Actionable Guidance Without Hidden Costs: The app stands out by offering practical recommendations based on air quality readings, advising on adjustments for improved ventilation, or highlighting potential environmental concerns, all without requiring the hardware or incurring hidden fees.
  • Collective Insights for Wider Impact: By sharing your data with the Awair community, you contribute to a larger understanding of air quality trends, aiding in community health improvements and influencing policy changes for cleaner air.
Ideal for:

  • Those prioritizing indoor air quality while mindful of costs.
  • Individuals seeking straightforward monitoring with actionable advice.
  • Anyone valuing community contributions and expert guidance on environmental health.

6. EPA AIRNow – Best Public App with Accurate Air Quality Readings

airnow EPA air quality app

The EPA AIRNow app stands as a pinnacle of public service in environmental health, offering an unparalleled gateway to real-time air quality data across the United States. Developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, this app is a testament to the agency’s commitment to safeguarding public health and the environment.

While it might not have the bells and whistles of some competitors, what it lacks in fancy features, it makes up for in accuracy, accessibility, and reliability.

Why we love it:

  • Unwavering Accuracy: Backed by the authority of the EPA, AIRNow boasts high-quality, real-time data for thousands of locations nationwide. No need to question the source; you’re getting official readings straight from the government.
  • Focus on Clarity: Forget getting bogged down in technical jargon. AIRNow presents information in a clean, straightforward manner, focusing on the Air Quality Index (AQI) – a readily understandable metric for overall air quality.
  • Hourly and Daily Insights: Plan your day or outdoor activities with confidence thanks to hourly and daily air quality forecasts. Know if air quality is expected to improve or worsen, allowing you to make informed decisions.
  • Free for All: Unlike some air quality apps, AIRNow is completely free to download and use. No subscriptions, no hidden fees, just transparent access to valuable information.
  • Nationwide Coverage: Whether you’re in a bustling city or a quiet rural town, chances are AIRNow covers your location. The app boasts data for thousands of monitoring stations across the U.S., ensuring wider accessibility.
  • Offline Access (Partially): While not all features are available offline, basic air quality information is accessible even without an internet connection, offering peace of mind on the go.
  • Fire and Smoke Map: During wildfire season, the Fire and Smoke Map becomes an invaluable tool, providing crucial information about wildfires and their impact on air quality.

Overall Rating: 9.7/10

For reliable, accessible, and free air quality information, EPA AIRNow is a top contender. Its accuracy, government backing, and nationwide coverage make it a trustworthy source for everyday use. However, if you crave personalization or advanced features, you might want to explore other options alongside AIRNow.

Who should get EPA AIRNow?

  • Anyone seeking accurate and reliable air quality readings from a trusted source.
  • Individuals on a budget who prioritize free access to information.
  • Users who value clarity and simplicity over extensive features.

How to Use These Apps to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Now that you’re familiar with the best air quality apps, let’s discuss how to use them effectively:

Regular Monitoring

Use these apps to check your indoor air quality regularly. Pay attention to trends, like increased pollution levels during certain times of the day or in specific weather conditions.

Act on Alerts

Set up air quality alerts to notify you when pollution levels are high. This can help you take immediate action, such as closing windows or running an air purifier.

Improve Ventilation

Use the forecast feature to plan ventilation. Open windows when air quality is expected to be good, and keep them closed when pollution is forecasted to rise.

Complement with Hardware

Consider pairing these apps with indoor air quality monitors for more precise readings and tailored recommendations.

What’s Next for Air Quality Apps?

The future of air quality apps is bright and brimming with potential! Here’s what to expect:

  • Gamification: Soon, you might earn badges for healthy outdoor activities on clean air days or rewards for keeping up with air quality alerts. This approach aims to make monitoring air quality enjoyable and motivational, encouraging positive lifestyle choices.
  • Sensor Fusion: The next generation of apps might draw on a mix of data from satellites, ground-based stations, and possibly your smartphone’s sensors. This comprehensive approach promises to deliver a more accurate real-time view of the air quality around you.
  • Global Citizen Science: Air quality apps are set to amplify their role in citizen science, with individuals around the world contributing to a global database. This collective effort could enhance research, shape policies, and foster community actions toward a future of cleaner air for all.

These advancements are just around the corner, promising to make air quality monitoring more interactive, personalized, and impactful than ever before.


Leveraging the best indoor air quality apps and adopting additional measures can significantly enhance our indoor environments. Staying informed and proactive about indoor pollutants improves our quality of life. Technology, coupled with responsible actions, ensures the air we breathe indoors is clean and safe.

Dr. Jane Williams, a WHO Public Health expert, emphasizes, “As individuals, we have the power to create healthier living spaces. By taking control of our indoor air quality, we can significantly improve our health and well-being.”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How often should I check my air quality app?

This depends on your individual needs and concerns. If you have allergies or sensitivities, check more frequently, perhaps daily or several times a week. For others, checking weekly or even a few times a month might be sufficient. 

Do I need an air purifier if I use an air quality app?

Apps provide information, but air purifiers can actively remove pollutants from the air. Combining both can be a powerful strategy for maintaining optimal air quality.

Are air quality apps accurate?

The accuracy of apps can vary. Look for apps that use reliable data sources and reputable measurement techniques.

Can air quality apps help me track specific pollutants?

Yes, many apps allow you to track specific pollutants like dust, allergens, and VOCs. Choose an app that offers tracking for the pollutants of concern to you.

Josh Odmark

Josh Odmark is the co-founder and CTO of YourIAQ and Sensables, where he leads product development and engineering efforts. A full-stack engineer with experience in data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, Josh has co-founded several technology companies, including Pandio and Local Data Exchange. Josh is an experienced engineer and maker with a passion for building data-driven tools and solutions to everyday problems.