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The Week's Top Air Quality Stories

Welcome to Airwaves, a weekly roundup of the most important events and stories in the indoor air quality world. Here are the headlines for the week of July 12, 2023:

While concerns about indoor air quality may seem like a product of the modern world, the history of indoor air pollution is actually quite fascinating and dates back centuries. The team at IAQ took a deep dive into some of the important milestones in indoor air pollution over the years to put together this original infographic chock full of insights about our past.

Meanwhile, as a summer of fervent air quality interest continues, New York City officials are looking to codify city indoor air quality regulations. According to the Wall Street Journal, legislation has been in the works for nearly a year but found new urgency after heavy smoke from Canadian wildfires shrouded the skies along the East Coast.

Regulation isn't the only development in the air quality arena. The Well Living Lab, a research collaboration between Mayo Clinic and New York City-based Delos, has commissioned a study on how different aspects of indoor spaces, such as air quality, impact health. Add this effort to the growing file of organizations dedicated to indoor air quality improvement and awareness. 

For anyone looking for some immediate solutions to address air quality concerns, there is one simple thing anyone can do today: change your air filters. While it's certainly not a cure-all, routine replacements of your HVAC's air filter per manufacturer's instructions can have a huge effect on the daily air you're breathing. 

And of course, if you want to go beyond the immediate, consider investing in an air quality monitoring device like IAQ. Learning more about what's in your home or office air is the first step to taking action to improve your health and safety.

Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions or comments, or would like to know more about IAQ. 

-The IAQ Team 

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